Child proof your Home Without Sacrificing Style With These 4 Tips

Author: dcvision

Designing a home is not an easy task, it requires loads of effort and patience. You need to keep in mind one thousand things before you make any decision as it will directly have an impact on how your home is going to look and the vibe it is going to exhibit. The pack of interior designers working with us believe that you need to be very cautious even when you buy a small piece for your living room. So, now you know why it is important for you to be specific with your home décor. 

Now, when it comes to designing a house that is child-proof, then once again you need to see that you take all the steps very seriously. Every choice that you make you need to ensure that they do not harm your kids. So, if you are looking to build a house that is safe for your little one to play around without sacrificing the look for your house, then you surely need to get in touch with us. We have a team of creative and talented interior designers that can help you win this race and without literally having to compromise with your style. So, here are 7 quick tips that can help you child proof your home whilst keeping the style of your house uplifted. 


sacrificing style

1. Consider soft floors:

flooring is the most important thing that you must consider while you plan your home décor. Since babies like playing an running around ensure that you do not opt for marble or any similar furniture of that sort. Instead you can opt for vinyl flooring as they are not slippery and is resistant to spills, stains and scratches and dents. In addition to this they are easy to clean and maintain. 

child proof home

2. Thinks about materials more than ever:

materials such as glass and metal are hard can cause serious injury in the event of an accident. Items with  lead or toxic paints can be harmful for your children and hence they should be avoided. So, ensure that you keep in mind these things when you plan the furnishing of your home. 

Child proof your Home Without Sacrificing Style

3. Beware of sharp corners:

corners coming out from chairs and coffee tables can be sharp and this can put your child at risk. so you need to pick furniture with rounded and corner edges.  An ottoman is a good alternative for a coffee table in the living room.

home decor

4. Pay close attention to electricity and fire:

exposed electrical outlets can put your child at risk. children are prone to playing around with unusual things, so you need to see that you leave no scope. You can use outlet covers as they will cover the holes on the switch boards and this way you are preventing your child from inserting their fingers in those holes. Another thing that you must keep in mind is that you keep your fireplaces covered. If your child likes walking around the house then you can install heat resistant baby gates until more comfortable.

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